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What is a page hierarchy?

A page hierarchy allows you to organize your pages.

How you get a real hierarchy in your pages depends in part on the theme you’ve chosen. Some themes do not allow a hierarchy in your pages. If this is the case, you should choose another theme that does allow this.

Does your theme allow for this?
Then there are two possibilities. You can either work with the system of pagination, or work with posts that you have to link to the corresponding page.

If you work with the system of pagination, then all posts will be duplicated as a page.

How do you work with page hierarchy?

  1. Log in to your website
  2. Go to pages
    You can find this on the left side of your dashboard.
  3. Choose the page you want to edit or create a new page yourself
  4. Click on ‘Publish’
    Publish this page if not already done
  5. Go to page attributes or Page attributes
    This is the window below the publish window.
  6. Click on Parent or Head and choose your main page
    Here you can enter your page as a subpage. Click on the title of the page you want as the main page. So this will be the page where your new page will be found.
    You are going to make a page part of a page that already exists. When people visit this already existing page, they will get to be your new page there.
  7. Click update to save your changes
  8. Control: Go back to pages
    You will see that your subpages are marked with a dash (-) in front of them. The subpages of subpages are indicated with two dashes (-) in front of them and so on.
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