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Why is having a website made good for your business?

Currently, you can find as many as 400 million active websites on the Internet. Of all those websites, there is only one that you have complete control over.

Request your personal website proposal

8 years of experience in building aesthetically pleasing and converting websites

Check out our more than one hundred 5* positive reviews on Google and META from satisfied customers who have gone before you.

Professional design & development

Our designers create a beautiful design that is approved by you first. Based on the feedback, our developers develop your dream website.

Focus on usability

A beautiful website that doesn’t work is of no use to you. That’s why at Are Agency we make your website user-friendly for any user and any platform! (Mobile, Desktop, Tablet, …)

Ongoing support

We offer support not only during the development process but also afterwards. Technical support, minor updates, … You can count on us as a long-term partner for your online success!

We manage more than 150 wonderful websites.

Check out some of our recently built websites below. Want to see more? Or don’t immediately come across what you’re looking for? Contact us with no obligation and we’ll walk through the possibilities together.

Our working method

The pathway for the website of your wildest dreams

You want to have a website created? Then we will walk through each step of our “Stairway to heaven” with you. One that even Led Zeppelin envies.


Exploratory discussion

Through an exploratory conversation, we settled in for a coffee. Together we talk about your business. We want to get the best possible picture of all your needs, frustrations and desires.

Your personal project manager

Each project deserves its own project manager. Our project manager is your personal contact within Are Agency who guides you through the process from A to Z.

Continuing your story

Your website and your business should tell the same story. If you give the green light to our proposal, we get to work right away.

Feedback is key

During the process, you have the opportunity to provide feedback at set times. You make full adjustments as needed. Your wish is our will.

A simple calculation

For Are Agency, the arithmetic of 1+1=2 is not good enough. We deliver a result equal to 1+1=3. Are Agency goes for more than you expect.

The finish line is not the end

A website is like a race car. Reaching the finish line is not the end. A race car needs maintenance and to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies to stay in top shape.
Contact us

Why should I have you create my website?

On average, how long does it take to create a website?

What is the required investment?

What systems are you working with?

Can I have my current website optimized?

We ARE here to build your (new) website!

Get free advice on your website project
